
天涯百科 百科知识 144 0



1.How did you find our school?你是怎么找到我们学校的?

2.What is the most important thing you are looking for in a school?你在选择学校的时候最看重哪方面?

3.What makes you think this school is a good fit for your child?你为什么觉得我们学校适合你的孩子?

What type of school do you think is the best fit for your child?哪类学校最适合你的孩子?

What is it about our school that you think would appeal most to your child?你认为我们学校哪个方面最吸引你的孩子?

4.When you toured our school,what stood out for you?当你参观我们学校的时候,你最受触动的或印象最深的是什么?

5.What are educational goals for your child and why do you think our school can help you achieve them?你孩子的教育目标是什么?为什么你觉得我们学校可以帮助达到这个目标?

6.What would your family bring to our school?你的家庭将给学校带来什么?

7.What is it you like most about the current school your child goes to?What made you choose it?你最喜欢你孩子现在的学校的哪一点?什么使你选择了这所学校?

8.Are you looking for single-sex or co-ed?Why?你更喜欢单性别学校,还是男女合校?为什么?



9.Tell me about your son/daughter;Please describe your child.请描述一下你的孩子。

What three adjectives would you use to describe your child?Provide an example of each.用哪三个形容词能准确描述你的孩子?请举例。

What would you describe as your child’s strengths and weaknesses?如何描述你孩子的优点和缺点?

10.What are your son/daughter's special interests?你孩子有哪些特殊的爱好?

What activities does your child do outside of school?Which is his/her favorite?你的孩子有哪些课外活动?哪项是他/她最喜欢的?

11.What are your child’s favorite books?你孩子最喜欢阅读哪些书?

12.How does your child handle frustration?Can you give me an example?当你孩子遭遇挫败感时,一般如何反应并处理?能举个例子吗?

13.Describe something that your child struggled with?What was the outcome?描述一下你孩子比较纠结的事情,最后结果如何?

14.How active is your child?你孩子的活泼程度如何?

How is your child’s temper?你孩子的脾气怎样?

15.What is your child’s attitude toward school?Does he/she always enjoy going?你孩子对上学的态度是什么?他/她喜欢上学吗?

16.Does your child prefer to be told what to do,or would she rather make her own choices?你孩子是更喜欢被告知怎么做,还是自己做决定?

17.What is the hardest thing your child has had to contend with in his life so far?How did he/she handle it?至今为止,对你孩子来说最艰难的竞争是什么?他/她是如何对待的?

18.What is the funniest thing your child ever did?你孩子做过的最有意思的事情是什么?

19.What feedback have you received from your child's teacher?你从老师那里得到的反馈是什么?你孩子现在的老师如何评价你的孩子?

20.What is your child especially proud of?令你孩子最自豪的事情是什么?

21.If there were a"fantasy day",what would your child choose to do?如果“幻想世界”可以实现一天,你孩子会选择做些什么?



22.What values are important to your family?What do you do to instill these values in your child?你们家庭的价值观是什么?你怎么把这些价值观灌输给你的孩子?

23.How would you describe your parenting approach/style?你怎么描述你为人父母的教育方式与风格?

24.What was your elementary education like?How would you like your child’s to compare to yours?你的小学教育是什么样子的?你想让孩子重复哪些,改变哪些?

25.What has been your proudest moment so far as a parent?作为家长最令你自豪的时刻是什么?

26.What was your least proud moment so far as a parent?作为家长让你最丢脸的事情是什么?

27.When was the last time your child had a meltdown?How did you handle it?上一次你孩子大闹是什么时候?你是怎么处理的?

28.How do you discipline your child?你一般怎么管教你的孩子?

29.What have you found to be the hardest/most challenging part of parenting?作为父母,你觉得最艰难的挑战是什么?



30.How does your child get along with his/her brother/sister?你孩子与兄弟姐妹相处得如何?

31.What does your child like to do when he/she plays alone?当你孩子独自玩的时候他/她一般玩什么?

If you were to peek into your child's room,what would he/she be doing?如果你偷窥孩子的屋子,他/她一般在做什么?

32.How does your child do when he/she meets new people?当你孩子与陌生人打交道时一般是什么样子?

33.What does your child like to do at the playground?在游乐场,你孩子最喜欢玩什么?

34.Does your child like to watch TV?What does he/she watch?你孩子喜欢看电视吗?一般看什么节目?

35.Does your child enjoy the computer?What does he/she do on the computer?你孩子喜欢玩电脑吗?一般如何使用电脑?

36.Describe a typical weekday.请描述平时一天的安排(非周末)。

37.What is your typical weekend schedule?你们周末一般如何安排?

38.What is your typical nighttime schedule?你孩子晚上作息是怎样的?

What is your child’s bedtime routine?孩子睡前一般做什么?

What is your child like when he/she wakes in the morning?当他/她早上起床时情绪如何?

39.Is your child helpful around the house?你孩子帮助做家务吗?

40.Does your child pick out his/her own clothes?Does your child get him/herself dressed?你孩子自己选衣服穿吗?他/她会自己穿衣服吗?


什么时候转最合适? 选择什么样的国际学校比较好?


如果家长们为这些问题纠结不已, 可关注:亿米国际教育

标签: 动漫人物简笔画
