
天涯百科 百科知识 116 0


1. 救人有关的自然场景描写:

(1)一到晚夏,池塘就会被绿色的起泡浮渣覆盖。有时候,池塘里冒出一阵强烈的难闻的味道。(浙江省十校联盟考试续写2020.10 )

In late summer, the pond would ______________________ a green and bubbly scum(起泡的浮渣). Sometimes a strong, unpleasant smell rose from it.

(2)在池塘中间,冰面忽然露出了一条裂缝。(浙江省十校联盟考试续写2020.10 )

In the middle of the pond, the ice gave way with________________ .


A thick burning smell______________________ .(山东省淄博市实验中学2020届高三上学期暑假收心考试)


When Tom opened the front door of their flat to investigate,______ .(山东省淄博市实验中学2020届高三上学期暑假收心考试 )


the flame _____________________________. (山东省淄博市实验中学2020届高三上学期暑假收心考试)

(6) It was a sunny day--a blue, _____________________________(平静的海面上万里无云). But then, as I looked in the distance, I discovered a series of three or four big waves heading towards the shore. (浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(7) The coastline was hidden behind the__________________ (汹涌澎湃的浪涛)with almost no one to be seen.(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(8) As I floated on,________________________ (一个巨浪呼啸而来)and approached us.(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(9) The big wind_________________(在耳边咆哮), and we were pushed away from the shore farther and farther.(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(10) All my senses told me that a big wave ________________.(即将来临)(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(11) A_______________(看似猛烈的)wave was ________________.(靠近我们)(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(12) The fierce waves _________________________(没有消退的迹象).(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(13) The sea was _________(汹涌的;风浪大的) that day and it was difficult to ________(控制) the bodyboard.(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(14) _________________________________________(月亮低悬)in the South Carolina sky as Misha finished loading her truck. (河北省衡水中学2021届全国高三英语第一次联合考试试题)

(15) It was ___________________________________(被浓厚的森林覆盖), where slippery moss (苔薛)and waterfall spray threatened footings and thundering streams could drown out a child's cry for help.(河北省衡水中学2021届全国高三英语第一次联合考试试题)

1. 救人有关的人文场景描写:

(1) A distant sound _________________________(传入耳朵)(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(2) A soft, reedy sound ___________________________(漂浮在海上)(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(3) The sound of the boat _________________________(在我们耳内回响)(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(4) At that moment, a shrill whistle(汽笛声)______________ (划破天空).(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(5) When we were at a loss of what to do, there were rasping (刺耳的) shouts(喊叫声) ____________________ (从远处升起).(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(6) A ship's ____________________ (喇叭声响起).(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)


1. 救人有关疲倦的情绪描写

(1) Drown in the sea, I___________________ (失去了平衡) but seized the bodyboard tightly.(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(2) Time passing us, tiredness _______________(包围/淹没/严重影响)us with my feet __________ (僵硬/麻木)and shivering.(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(3)___________________ (尽管很累), we didn’t stop.Gritting out teeth, we kept swimming.(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(4) After what seemed a century, I felt ________________ (非常累) while swimming hard to keep myself afloat. (浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(5)Casting a look at Tom, I could tell he was also ___________________(明显地精疲力尽了)(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)


(1) Watching the shore in the distance, I felt __________(无力的) as if we were broken tiny boats at the mercy of strong waves.(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(2) Exhausted and cold, the thought that we might die here flashed across my mind,

which made me quiver _____________________________(难以控制地发抖)(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(3) Looking at the vast sea, I felt a sense of fear surging ___________________ (在身体涌动)(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(4) As time ticked by, fear ___________________(爬上我心头) and I could hardly tell how long I could _________(前行).(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(5) The thought of hopelessness _________________________(让我后脊背发凉)(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(6) I was _________________________(被恐惧感淹没)(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(7) Seeing this, I felt my fear ________________(剧增) inside.(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(8) I felt________________(一阵焦虑)_________________(袭来).(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(9) The unexpected crash left the girls___________________(陷入恐慌). (2021年山东新高考质量测评联盟)

2. 救人有关如释重负的情绪描写

(1) Ensuing their safety, I __________________________ .(感到一阵胜利的喜悦)(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(2) Hearing the news, I ______________________________.(情难自抑)(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(3) It __________________________________(听到新消息很高兴).(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(4) On hearing the good news, Tom and I ___________________(如释重负地叹了口气), grinning merrily at each other. (浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(5)____________ (如释重负地微笑), I _________________(感到一阵自豪). (浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(6) ____________ (狂喜) to see a boat coming to our rescue, Tom and I ______________________. (如释重负地松了口气)(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

3. 救人有关挣扎努力的情绪描写

(1) Tom looked ____________(若有所思)(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

“We need to think out a way!” I__________ (喃喃自语), _____________________.(绞尽脑汁)(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(2) ...,We swam ______________________(全力以赴地).(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(3) We _________________________(不遗余力地) to swim towards the shore.(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(4) We _________________________(互换了坚定的神情) , then ploughed on (继续前行) __________________(难以置信的速度).(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)


But Robert had told all the boys that Henry was a coward,and they _____________________(取笑他) a great deal.From then on,they _____________________(看低) Henry and didn’t want to play with him together.( 福建省连城县第一中学2021届高三英语上学期月考试题一)


(1) I wasn't used to this sort of emergency--I'd never been trained as a lifeguard--but I _____________________(没有多想) about trying to save them. ( 浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(2) Henry was sad but he wasn’t angry with Robert for his rude behavior,because he learned that true courage is shown most in bearing misunderstanding when it was not deserved,and that he ought to _______________________________(除了做错之外其他都无惧).( 福建省连城县第一中学2021届高三英语上学期月考试题一)

(3) Sighing in relief, I _________________________________________(忍不住回想整件事情). (浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)



1. 救人有关的自然场景描写:

(1)一到晚夏,池塘就会被绿色的起泡浮渣覆盖。有时候,池塘里冒出一阵强烈的难闻的味道。(浙江省十校联盟考试续写2020.10 )

In late summer, the pond would be covered bya green and bubbly scum(起泡的浮渣). Sometimes a strong, unpleasant smell rose from it.

(2)在池塘中间,冰面忽然露出了一条裂缝。(浙江省十校联盟考试续写2020.10 )

In the middle of the pond, the ice gave way with a sudden crack.


A thick burning smell filled the air.(山东省淄博市实验中学2020届高三上学期暑假收心考试)


When Tom opened the front door of their flat to investigate, a thick cloud of smoke greeted him.(山东省淄博市实验中学2020届高三上学期暑假收心考试 )


the flame was reaching up. (山东省淄博市实验中学2020届高三上学期暑假收心考试)

(6) It was a sunny day--a blue, cloudless sky over a calm sea(平静的海面上万里无云). But then, as I looked in the distance, I discovered a series of three or four big waves heading towards the shore. (浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(7) The coastline was hidden behind the roaringwaves(汹涌澎湃的浪涛)with almost no one to be seen.(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(8) As I floated on, a huge wavewhistled(一个巨浪呼啸而来)and approached us.(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(9) The big wind roared through our ears(在耳边咆哮), and we were pushed away from the shore farther and farther.(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(10) All my senses told me that a big wave was about to come.(即将来临)(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(11) A powerful-looking(看似猛烈的)wave was coming towards us.(靠近我们)(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(12) The fierce waves showed no sign of dying down


(13) The sea was rough(汹涌的;风浪大的) that day and it was difficult to handle(控制) the bodyboard.(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(14) The moon was hanging low(月亮低悬)in the South Carolina sky as Misha finished loading her truck. (河北省衡水中学2021届全国高三英语第一次联合考试试题)

(15) It was covered with heavy forest(被浓厚的森林覆盖), where slippery moss (苔薛)and waterfall spray threatened footings and thundering streams could drown out a child's cry for help.(河北省衡水中学2021届全国高三英语第一次联合考试试题)

2. 救人有关的人文场景描写:

(1) A distant sound reached our ears(传入耳朵)(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(2) A soft, reedy sound floated across the sea(漂浮在海上)(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(3) The sound of the boat echoed in our ears(在我们耳内回响)(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(4) At that moment, a shrill whistle(汽笛声) ripped the air(划破天空).(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(5) When we were at a loss of what to do, there were rasping (刺耳的) shouts(喊叫声) rising from the distance(从远处升起).(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(6) A ship's horn sounded(喇叭声响起).(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)


1. 救人有关疲倦的情绪描写

(1) Drown in the sea, I lost my balance(失去了平衡) but seized the bodyboard tightly.(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(2) Time passing us, tiredness engulfed(包围/淹没/严重影响) us with my feet stiff/numb(僵硬/麻木)and shivering.(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(3) Exhaustedas we were(尽管很累), we didn’t stop. Gritting out teeth, we kept swimming.(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(4) After what seemed a century, I felt extremely fatigued(非常累) while swimming hard to keep myself afloat. (浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(5)Casting a look at Tom, I could tell he was also apparently worn-out(明显地精疲力尽了)(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)


(1) Watching the shore in the distance, I felt powerless(无力的) as if we were broken tiny boats at the mercy of strong waves.(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(2) Exhausted and cold, the thought that we might die here flashed across my mind,

which made me quiver with an uncontrollable terror/horror/fright


(3) Looking at the vast sea, I felt a sense of fear surging through my whole body(在身体涌动)(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(4) As time ticked by, fear crept upon my heart(爬上我心头) and I could hardly tell how long I could plough on(前行).(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(5) The thought of hopelessness sent shivers down my spine(让我后脊背发凉)(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(6) I was flooded with a sense of horror(被恐惧感淹没)(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(7) Seeing this, I felt my fear growing/increasing(剧增) inside.(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(8) I felt a wave of anxiety(一阵焦虑) swept over my body(袭来).(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(9) The unexpected crash left the girls in panic(陷入恐慌). (2021年山东新高考质量测评联盟)

3. 救人有关如释重负的情绪描写

(1) Ensuing their safety, I felt a surge of triumph.(感到一阵胜利的喜悦)(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(2) Hearing the news, I couldn't help restraining my excitement.(情难自抑)(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(3) It thrilled us to hear the good news(听到新消息很高兴).(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(4) On hearing the good news, Tom and I sighed in great relief(如释重负地叹了口气), grinning merrily at each other. (浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(5) Smiling in relief(如释重负地微笑), I felt a rush of pride(感到一阵自豪). (浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(6) Overjoyed(狂喜) to see a boat coming to our rescue, Tom and I breathed a sigh of relief. (如释重负地松了口气)(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

4. 救人有关挣扎努力的情绪描写

(1) Tom looked thoughtful(若有所思)(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(2) “We need to think out a way!” I muttered (喃喃自语), scratching my head.(绞尽脑汁)(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(3) ...,We swam tooth and nail(全力以赴地).(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(4) We spared no effort to(不遗余力地) swim towards the shore.(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(5) We exchanged a determined look(互换了坚定的神情) , then ploughed on (继续前行) at an incredible speed(难以置信的速度).(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)


But Robert had told all the boys that Henry was a coward,and they laughed at him(取笑他) a great deal.From then on,they looked down upon (看低) Henry and didn’t want to play with him together.( 福建省连城县第一中学2021届高三英语上学期月考试题一)


(1) I wasn't used to this sort of emergency--I'd never been trained as a lifeguard--but I didn't think twice(没有多想) about trying to save them. ( 浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(2) Henry was sad but he wasn’t angry with Robert for his rude behavior,because he learned that true courage is shown most in bearing misunderstanding when it was not deserved,and that he ought to be afraid of nothing but doing wrong(除了做错之外其他都无惧).( 福建省连城县第一中学2021届高三英语上学期月考试题一)

(3) Sighing in relief, I couldn’t stop thinking about the whole event(忍不住回想整件事情). (浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)


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