
天涯百科 百科知识 826 0


1. ______________________________ (十二月的一个冰冷的早上), two police officers were patrolling the streets. (2021广东一模)

2. It was poorly lit, ___________________________ (又狭窄又潮湿). (2021广东一模)

3. ______________________________ (沿着狭窄的砖砌人行道走), Aram took a deep breath. (2021广二模)

4. _______________________________________ (空气弥漫着柠檬,烤面包和咖啡的香气), coming from Rossi's Italian Bakery.(2021广二模)

5. __________________________________ (一块褪色的木头招牌)over the door read "Rossi's Bakery." (2021广二模)

6. Rossi's Bakery, he was sure, would one day be known as the place _________________________________ (他开始的地方). (2021广二模)

7. It was a large white Victorian home.As we approached the large front porch, _________________________________________________ (风铃发出平静的曲调,花和树在欢迎我们). (2020.11江苏三校)

8. Below the bridge, the treetops_________________________ (形成一片绿色海浪)that threatened to devour me. 湖北省龙泉中学2021届高三英语8月月考试题

9. _____________________________________.( 沉默穿透房间)(2021沈阳市一模)

10. And now, staring at the ____________________________( 蛋糕上的黄蜡烛), I only have one wish. (2021沈阳市一模)

11. That day, _____________________________________( 笑声充满整个房间). (2021沈阳市一模)


1. _____________________________________( 长大后,我想成为我妈妈的样子). Kind and caring, she always seemed to make people comfortable in her presence. (2020.11江苏三校)

2. I looked down to see a little girl __________________( 在她额头上有一道深伤疤) beaming up at me. (2020.11江苏三校)


1 、成长篇有关的孤独描写:

I____________________________( 从不容易交朋友), and for a time I did little more than get on speaking terms with some boys. (2021年4月宁波二模)


1. 我在口袋里什么也没发现,这个事实就像一把长矛刺进我的心脏,立刻开始流血。

I found nothing in my pocket, ______________________which started to bleed immediately. (2021年4月宁波二模)

2. 看了看周围,我焦急地几乎哭了起来。(2021年4月宁波二模)

Looking around anxiously, _____________________________________.

3. 就在我崩溃的时候,克劳利带领的一群男孩从我身边走过(2021年4月宁波二模)

Just ___________________________, a group of boys led by Crawley passed me.

4. 把它放回去,我慢慢地骑车去学校,痛苦得麻木了。(2021年4月宁波二模)Putting it back, I rode slowly on to school, _____________.

5. 悲伤沉重地悬在空中。(2021年4月宁波二模)

6. After drinking a little, Karie plodded( 重步走)down the hall, ___________________________( 陷入沉思). How could she tell the class she hadn’t earned the prize after all? (2020.11月潍坊高三英语期中考试)

7. She____________________________( 忍不住哭泣) , tears rolling down like____________________________( 一串断线的珠子) . (2020.11月潍坊高三英语期中考试)

8. Hearing this , Karie ___________________________________( 再也不能隐藏她的情绪) and burst into tears. (2020.11月潍坊高三英语期中考试)

9. "That's it?" Aram said,_________________________ (他的心沉下去了).(2021广二模)

10. ___________________________________ (失望如潮水般涌向他). (2021广二模)

11. ________________________ (悲伤淹没了他)so suddenly that he couldn't think of a word to say. (2021广二模)

12. Seeing Jayce was mad at God for making him that way,the poor mother felt it a ________________________ (一把巨大的匕首刺向她的心脏). (2021年汕头一模)

13. ________________________ (让她更加伤心的是)was that she didn’t know what to do at that point and how to provide answers to her son’s questions which she could never find out herself. (2021年汕头一模)

14. Behind stood Lewis, ____________________________________ (他泪流满面). (2021年汕头一模)

15. I sat in silence, ______________________________ (太伤心了,无法说话). (2020.11江苏三校)

16. What a terrible life they had had before they moved here! My heart sank.______________________________ (我的心沉了下去)(2020.11江苏三校)

17. Dad listened carefully as ______________________________ (他感到一阵悲伤). (2020届山东省滨州市高三第二次模拟英语试题)

18. ______________________________ (看到我爸爸陷入痛苦中)was the most awful experience that I have ever faced. (2020届山东省滨州市高三第二次模拟英语试题)

19. ______________________________ (咸咸的眼泪从脸颊流下来), and his stomach hurt. (2020年台州期末调研)

3 、成长篇有关的高兴描写:

1. Karie __________(grin) as she read the label on the box. (2020.11月潍坊高三英语期中考试)

2. Dad looked at the paper, with ______________________________ (他的嘴唇弯成了微笑). (2020.11月潍坊高三英语期中考试)

3. Hearing that, Karie grinned from ear to ear, ___________________ (幸福的浪潮涌上她的心头). (2020.11月潍坊高三英语期中考试)

4. Hearing this, Aram ______________________________ (开心地跳起来), with his eyes sparkling like shining stars (眼睛像星星一样闪烁).(2021广二模)

5. Seeing his role model in flesh, Jayce was ___________________ (开心到说不出话来)but stand here with his mouth open wide. 【2021年·汕头一模】

7. Our time together ______________________________ (给她带来开心和乐趣)and she also made my day. (2020.11江苏三校)

8. When _____________________________________________________ (笑声被喧闹的欢呼声和掌声淹没), I pulled myself up in front of an amazing birthday cake. (浙江省湖州、衢州、丽水2021届高三11月教学质量检测)

9. Noticing the kid’ eyes _____________________________ (欢欣雀跃), I was held totally in the power of a burst of content . (浙江省湖州、衢州、丽水2021届高三11月教学质量检测)

10. I nodded slightly, and my daughter’s frowning face slowly _________________________ (露出了笑容). (湖北省龙泉中学2021届高三英语8月月考试题)

11. Looking around the room filled with my friends, I _______________________( 忍不住微笑). (2021 沈阳市一模)

4 、成长篇有关的惭愧描写:

1. She ____________________________________( 被内疚和羞愧淹没). (2020.11月潍坊高三英语期中考试)

2. Suddenly she _________________ (精神就为之一振),waving her arthritic(关节炎的) hands.(2021广二模)

3._____________________________( 一阵恐惧向我袭来) and I had to admit the fact that I had gone to the movies and that was the real reason why I was late. (2020届山东省滨州市高三第二次模拟英语试题)

4. But while I was out having (have) fun with my “friends," inside I ___________________________________________________ ( 充满矛盾,不悦和后悔).(2021沈阳市一模)

5. Hearing their talk on the phone,I ___________________ ( 羞愧得低下头来) with tears running down my face. (2021沈阳市一模)


“ 我妈妈不让我带,”我撒谎,绝望在我心中沸腾。(2021年4月宁波二模)

“My mother wouldn't let me bring it,” I lied, _________________.



They_________________ with Crawley screaming words like “What a finest broken watch!”


1. 尴尬把我完全包围了。(2021年4月宁波二模)

2.On hearing this, Bob became embarrassed, _______________ ( 扭动揉搓他的手) over and over again seemingly to get warm in this freezing December. (2021广东一模)

3. Standing frozen as ice, never had I thought about being trapped in such a dilemma that_____________________________ ( 我感到无比的尴尬和恐慌). (浙江省湖州、衢州、丽水2021届高三11月教学质量检测)

4. After taking a deep breath, I started running, with my cape billowing and___________________________________________ ( 我的尴尬消散在风中). (浙江省湖州、衢州、丽水2021届高三11月教学质量检测)


1. Meanwhile, Karie sat restlessly in her seat _________________ ( 她的手指交叉着). (2020.11月潍坊高三英语期中考试)

2. She told the teacher the truth , ______________ ( 她的心跳得像打鼓一样). (2020.11月潍坊高三英语期中考试)

3. _________________( 不安地来回走动) in front of the the teacher's office, she finally gathered courage and plodded in. (2020.11月潍坊高三英语期中考试)

4. _______________________ (咬紧了牙关), like she was holding her words between her teeth as they struggled to get out. (2021湖丽衢11月模拟卷)

5. Whenever he was near the tiny hole around the corner, ______ (我的心漏了半拍). (2021湖丽衢11月模拟卷)

6. Then came the moment, and ____________________________ (非常紧张), he made his way to the platform. (2020 年台州期末调研)

7. ___________________________ (他感到有点紧张), his grandmother’s words seemed to echo inside his head and words just flooded out of his mouth. (2020 年台州期末调研)

9 、成长篇有关的惊讶描写:

Raising her eyebrows in surprise, Mrs Rossi froze, _______________ (仿佛定格在那里).(2021广二模)

10 、成长篇有关的希望描写:

Jayce looked up to him, his eyes ______________________________ (闪烁着希望和决心).(2021年汕头一模)

11 、成长篇有关的害怕描写:

I unknowingly ( 不知不觉地) avoided interacting (interact) with anyone because _______________________( 我很害怕他们会当面取笑我) . (2021沈阳市一模)

12 、成长篇有关的感激描写:

I looked at her,___________________________( 感动和爱的泪水)welling up in my eyes. (2021沈阳市一模)



1. On a freezing morning of December(十二月的一个冰冷的早上), two police officers were patrolling the streets. (2021广东一模)

2. It was poorly lit, narrow and damp(又狭窄又潮湿). (2021广东一模)

3. Walking along the narrow brick sidewalk(沿着狭窄的砖砌人行道走), Aram took a deep breath. (2021广二模)

4. The air smelled of lemons and baked bread and coffee(空气弥漫着柠檬,烤面包和咖啡的香气), coming from Rossi's Italian Bakery.(2021广二模)

5. A faded wooden sign(一块褪色的木头招牌)over the door read "Rossi's Bakery." (2021广二模)

6. Rossi's Bakery, he was sure, would one day be known as the place where he got his start(他开始的地方). (2021广二模)

7. It was a large white Victorian home.As we approached the large front porch, wind bells played a calming tune while trees and blossoms welcomed us(风铃发出平静的曲调,花和树在欢迎我们). (2020.11江苏三校)

8. Below the bridge, the treetopsformed an ocean of green waves(形成一片绿色海浪)that threatened to devour me. 湖北省龙泉中学2021届高三英语8月月考试题

9. Silence penetrated the room.( 沉默穿透房间)(2021沈阳市一模)

10. And now, staring at the yellow candles on my birthday cake( 蛋糕上的黄蜡烛), I only have one wish. (2021沈阳市一模)

11. That day, laughter filled the whole house_( 笑声充满整个房间). (2021沈阳市一模)


1. Growing up, I wanted to be just like my mom( 长大后,我想成为我妈妈的样子). Kind and caring, she always seemed to make people comfortable in her presence. (2020.11江苏三校)

2. I looked down to see a little girl with a deep cut on her forehead( 在她额头上有一道深伤疤) beaming up at me. (2020.11江苏三校)


1 、成长篇有关的孤独描写:

Inever made friends easily( 从不容易交朋友), and for a time I did little more than get on speaking terms with some boys. (2021年4月宁波二模)


1. 我在口袋里什么也没发现,这个事实就像一把长矛刺进我的心脏,立刻开始流血。

I found nothing in my pocket, a fact that seemed like a spear piercing into my heartwhich started to bleed immediately. (2021年4月宁波二模)

2. 看了看周围,我焦急地几乎哭了起来。(2021年4月宁波二模)

Looking around anxiously, I almost burst into crying.

3. 就在我崩溃的时候,克劳利带领的一群男孩从我身边走过(2021年4月宁波二模)

Just at the time I broke down, a group of boys led by Crawley passed me.

4. 把它放回去,我慢慢地骑车去学校,痛苦得麻木了。(2021年4月宁波二模)Putting it back, I rode slowly on to school, numb with misery.

5. 悲伤沉重地悬在空中。(2021年4月宁波二模)

Sadness hang heavily in the air.

6. After drinking a little, Karie plodded( 重步走)down the hall, lost in thought( 陷入沉思). How could she tell the class she hadn’t earned the prize after all? (2020.11月潍坊高三英语期中考试)

7. Shecouldn’t help sobbing( 忍不住哭泣) , tears rolling down like a broken string of beads( 一串断线的珠子) . (2020.11月潍坊高三英语期中考试)

8. Hearing this , Karie couldn't hide her feelings any longer( 再也不能隐藏她的情绪) and burst into tears. (2020.11月潍坊高三英语期中考试)

9. "That's it?" Aram said,his heart sinking(他的心沉下去了).(2021广二模)

10. A wave of disappointment struck him(失望如潮水般涌向他). (2021广二模)

11. Sadness overwhelmed him(悲伤淹没了他)so suddenly that he couldn't think of a word to say. (2021广二模)

12. Seeing Jayce was mad at God for making him that way,the poor mother felt it a huge dagger to her heart(一把巨大的匕首刺向她的心脏). (2021年汕头一模)

13. What made her more sorrowful(让她更加伤心的是)was that she didn’t know what to do at that point and how to provide answers to her son’s questions which she could never find out herself. (2021年汕头一模)

14. Behind stood Lewis, whose face was flooded with tears(他泪流满面). (2021年汕头一模)

15. I sat in silence, too upset to make a conversation(太伤心了,无法说话). (2020.11江苏三校)

16. What a terrible life they had had before they moved here! My heart sank. (我的心沉了下去)(2020.11江苏三校)

17. Dad listened carefully as a sadness passed through him(他感到一阵悲伤). (2020 届山东省滨州市高三第二次模拟英语试题)

18. Seeing my father in so much pain(看到我爸爸陷入痛苦中)was the most awful experience that I have ever faced. (2020 届山东省滨州市高三第二次模拟英语试题)

19. Salty tears ran down his cheeks(咸咸的眼泪从脸颊流下来), and his stomach hurt. (2020 年台州期末调研)

3 、成长篇有关的高兴描写:

1. Karie grinned(grin) as she read the label on the box. (2020.11月潍坊高三英语期中考试)

2. Dad looked at the paper, with his lips curving into a smile(他的嘴唇弯成了微笑). (2020.11月潍坊高三英语期中考试)

3. Hearing that, Karie grinned from ear to ear, a wave of happiness flooding over her(幸福的浪潮涌上她的心头). (2020.11月潍坊高三英语期中考试)

4. Hearing this, Aram jumped up in happiness(开心地跳起来), with his eyes sparkling like shining stars (眼睛像星星一样闪烁).(2021广二模)

5. Seeing his role model in flesh, Jayce was too thrilled to say a single word(开心到说不出话来)but stand here with his mouth open wide. 【2021年·汕头一模】

7. Our time together brought her great joy and fun(给她带来开心和乐趣)and she also made my day. (2020.11江苏三校)

8. When laughter was totally submerged by loud cheering and applause(笑声被喧闹的欢呼声和掌声淹没), I pulled myself up in front of an amazing birthday cake. (浙江省湖州、衢州、丽水2021届高三11月教学质量检测)

9. Noticing the kid’ eyes danced with joy and sweetness(欢欣雀跃), I was held totally in the power of a burst of content . (浙江省湖州、衢州、丽水2021届高三11月教学质量检测)

10. I nodded slightly, and my daughter’s frowning face slowly broke into a smile(露出了笑容). (湖北省龙泉中学2021届高三英语8月月考试题)

11. Looking around the room filled with my friends, I couldn't help but smile( 忍不住微笑). (2021 沈阳市一模)

4 、成长篇有关的惭愧描写:

1. She was overwhelmed / overcome/ consumed with guilt and shame ( 被内疚和羞愧淹没). (2020.11月潍坊高三英语期中考试)

2. Suddenly she came alive(精神就为之一振),waving her arthritic(关节炎的) hands.(2021广二模)

3.A wave of guilt swept over me( 一阵恐惧向我袭来) and I had to admit the fact that I had gone to the movies and that was the real reason why I was late. (2020届山东省滨州市高三第二次模拟英语试题)

4. But while I was out having (have) fun with my “friends," inside I was full of conflict, unhappiness and regret( 充满矛盾,不悦和后悔).(2021沈阳市一模)

5. Hearing their talk on the phone,I hung my head shamefully( 羞愧得低下头来) with tears running down my face. (2021沈阳市一模)



“My mother wouldn't let me bring it,” I lied, desperation boiling inside me.



Theylaughed loudly with Crawley screaming words like “What a finest broken watch!”


1. 尴尬把我完全包围了。(2021年4月宁波二模)

Embarrassment enveloped me totally.

2.On hearing this, Bob became embarrassed, twisting and rubbing his hands ( 扭动揉搓他的手) over and over again seemingly to get warm in this freezing December. (2021广东一模)

3. Standing frozen as ice, never had I thought about being trapped in such a dilemma thatI was flooded with overwhelming awkwardness and panic( 我感到无比的尴尬和恐慌). (浙江省湖州、衢州、丽水2021届高三11月教学质量检测)

4. After taking a deep breath, I started running, with my cape billowing andmy embarrassment vanishing away in the wind( 我的尴尬消散在风中). (浙江省湖州、衢州、丽水2021届高三11月教学质量检测)


1. Meanwhile, Karie sat restlessly in her seat with her fingers crossed( 她的手指交叉着). (2020.11月潍坊高三英语期中考试)

2. She told the teacher the truth , with her heart thumping / pounding/ pumping like a drum( 她的心跳得像打鼓一样). (2020.11月潍坊高三英语期中考试)

3. Having paced up and down restlessly( 不安地来回走动) in front of the the teacher's office, she finally gathered courage and plodded in. (2020.11月潍坊高三英语期中考试)

4. Her jaws clenched(咬紧了牙关), like she was holding her words between her teeth as they struggled to get out. (2021湖丽衢11月模拟卷)

5. Whenever he was near the tiny hole around the corner, my heart missed a beat(我的心漏了半拍). (2021湖丽衢11月模拟卷)

6. Then came the moment, and with butterflies in his stomach(非常紧张), he made his way to the platform. (2020 年台州期末调研)

7. A little nervous as he felt(他感到有点紧张), his grandmother’s words seemed to echo inside his head and words just flooded out of his mouth. (2020 年台州期末调研)

9 、成长篇有关的惊讶描写:

Raising her eyebrows in surprise, Mrs Rossi froze, as if rooted on the ground(仿佛定格在那里).(2021广二模)

10 、成长篇有关的希望描写:

Jayce looked up to him, his eyes sparkling with hope and determination(闪烁着希望和决心). (2021年汕头一模)

11 、成长篇有关的害怕描写:

I unknowingly ( 不知不觉地) avoided interacting (interact) with anyone because I was afraid they’d laugh in my face( 我很害怕他们会当面取笑我) . (2021沈阳市一模)

12 、成长篇有关的感激描写:

I looked at her,tears of love and gratitude( 感动和爱的泪水)welling up in my eyes. (2021沈阳市一模)


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