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关于”沟通是美好“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Communication is beautiful。以下是关于沟通是美好的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

关于”沟通是美好“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Communication is beautiful。以下是关于沟通是美好的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Communication is beautiful

Dear Josh: I'm sorry to hear that you have some questions. I think you should talk to your parents. Although you don't agree with them, anyway, you have to believe that your parents love you.

You should communicate with them and tell them what you think. You can relax, listen to music, swim, or just be with friends. You have to believe that you are the best, i Always the best wish you can say, Emma.




Recently, I read a book called the art of communication. The author, Dr. Li, introduced a lot of methods of successful communication and told readers why everyone should be a polite person.

My favorite sentence is that everyone has potential. Everyone can decide their future psychology, master communication art and show your personality charm through positive development You can live a good life all the time. This book tells us that people should live in a large group, because people can't solve all the problems by themselves.

Human beings should learn a series of ways to deal with any situation that may happen anywhere and at any time. After that, Dr. Li pointed out that people need to be aware of how to solve the differences between friends, family members or colleagues.

This situation often occurs in social life. Therefore, it is important to understand how to finally solve the problem. He told us that communication skills are not only reflected in normal conversation, but also reflected in the body language of every part of the book.

The author is in daily life There are a lot of examples in my life to prove my point of view. These examples are easy to understand and accept in daily life. After reading this book, I found that my communication ability was insufficient.

I was impatient when talking with others in the past, even angry with them. This is impolite and may damage the relationship between me and others. So my friends and I will try my best Try your best to improve yourself and be welcomed.




What would our life be like without mobile phones? Mobile phone is the number one tool for our communication, sometimes even more than face-to-face communication. They are the connection point of our life. I think mobile phone is an important communication tool without mobile phone.

Our life is no longer convenient. Our life is no longer better than before. Although mobile phone is only a part of our life, it helps us.

Sometimes we do some difficult things Things, for example, if we have something important to tell someone, we can contact him immediately by using a mobile phone. Without a mobile phone, our life will lack color.


