关于我的梦想的英语作文_My dream 5篇

天涯百科 范文 11 0

关于”我的梦想“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:My dream。以下是关于我的梦想的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My dream

I have a dream: I want to be a lawyer. The reason why I want to be a lawyer is that I think this profession is very important and meaningful. If I am a lawyer, I will contribute to the maintenance of social fairness and justice in the form of law: on the one hand, I can use my expertise to help mediate people's conflicts and disputes so that they can live in harmony; on the other hand, I can protect the legitimate rights and interests of innocent people and avoid unnecessary harm to them; on the other hand, I can often contact people in need of legal aid and teach them some basic legal knowledge as far as I can, so that they can abide by the law, The legal knowledge I have learned is not enough.

In order to realize my dream in the future, I should study hard from now on.


我有一个梦想:我想成为一名律师我之所以想成为一名律师,是因为我认为这个职业是非常重要和有意义的,如果我是一名律师,我将以法律的形式为维护社会的公平正义作出贡献: 一方面,我可以利用我的专长帮助调解人们的冲突和纠纷,以便他们可以和睦相处,另一方面我可以为无辜者维护合法权益,避免他们遭受不必要的伤害;另外,我可以经常与需要法律援助的人联系,尽我所能教给他们一些基本的法律知识,使他们能够遵守法律,适用法律,我现在所学的法律知识还不够,为了将来实现我的梦想,我应该从现在开始努力学习。


Have you ever dreamed of your bright future, or imagined something unreal but interesting or meaningful to tell your close friend now my dream I have a dream that I am always young, and then I will have enough energy to do whatever I want to do, and I don't have to worry about the old age that I can't even take care of. I know my dream will not come true, but I think I am now Fortunately, I will cherish my time, enjoy life and try my best to do everything well.




I remember that when I was a child, my mother often used this poem to describe the beauty of the grland: cangcangcang, mangmangmang, fengcui, Dixian cattle and sheep. In English, it means clear sky, endless plain, gr bending in the wind, herding horses and sheep. I could recite this poem before I entered primary school a few years ago.

My mother visited a grland in Inner Mongolia, and she said that it was a speechless word The description of the natural charm, her description firmly imprinted in my mind, I began to desire to travel to the grland, a year ago, when my mother and I went to the grland, the wonderful picture in my mind completely changed. I can't believe that the scene in front of me is just a piece of sp gr in the distance. I only saw a few horses lazily eating gr.

I asked my mother: green and green I was shocked to see the difference between the grland in my dream and the things in front of me on my way home. I thought a lot and tried to find the answer. Now that I have grown up, I can let others know my dream.

Overgrazing and extensive farming have destroyed the grland and taken away the charm of our home. But I believe that one day, the grland will be restored and its real wealth and beauty will be realized, as long as everyone contributes to the reconstruction of our homeland.


