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关于”科技对我们生活的影响“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:The impact of technology on our lives。以下是关于科技对我们生活的影响的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

关于”科技对我们生活的影响“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:The impact of technology on our lives。以下是关于科技对我们生活的影响的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The impact of technology on our lives

Science and technology and our daily life are well known. We live in a life full of opportunities and innovation. Great changes have taken place in science and technology around us.

For example, the topic of mobile phone has undoubtedly attracted more and more public attention. Mobile phone is an indispensable part of the development of science and technology, and has a profound impact on our daily life. One is divided into two parts.

Some people think that mobile phone has great influence on our daily life It is very necessary for people and plays an important role in the development of interpersonal relationships. However, others point out that people spend too much time playing games and chatting, especially for students and young people. The happiness and friendship it brings comes at the cost of my declining grades.

I firmly believe that we should properly use technology in our daily life Keep a balance between the pseudo world and the real life.




Science and technology has penetrated into all aspects of life and society and brought great benefits. From people's attitude towards computers and mobile phones, we can see that with the use of computers in many different fields, people's life style has changed. Students: chat with QQ or MSN instead of telephone, women like to do online shopping, online goods are always cheaper than shopping centers, mobile phones play an important role in people's life, it has many advantages, such as hands Mobile phone is convenient to carry and send text messages than to make phone calls.

Most young people like to buy a fashionable mobile phone to show their elegant demeanor. However, due to the application of science and technology in all aspects of society and the advanced degree it brings, it also puts forward a new topic for the society. For example, the colorful network world makes people lost in a virtual world and turns into indifference to others We don't trust anyone, and the rapid development has damaged our English environment: the rivers are getting dirty, the rare animals and birds are getting less and less.

We have got a lot from science and technology, but we have also lost some important things. I hope that changes in science can bring us a better life, but many of the important things we have have have not changed.




In modern society, people who have difficulties in using computers and accessing the Internet are naturally clified as "blind". The advantages of this facility are obvious. Due to the rapid processing of information exchange and data, the world is developing much faster than before.

If you need to use three days instead of one second to calculate spreadsheets, you can guess how much business can grow. I should say that computers and the Internet have brought a lot of convenience to human life, but there is still a dark side in the world. I also observed that children can't do simple calculations with their heads.

They can only rely on calculators, a simple computer form With the page of time, our mind manipulation ability becomes weak, but our body is also very weak, because we are at the computer all day long, sending e-mails to our friends next door.


