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关于”最喜欢的家乡美食“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Favorite hometown food。以下是关于最喜欢的家乡美食的初二英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

关于”最喜欢的家乡美食“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Favorite hometown food。以下是关于最喜欢的家乡美食的初二英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Favorite hometown food

In southern China, the most popular and typical dishes are new year cake, steamed glutinous rice pudding and zongzi (reed wrapped glutinous rice), which is another popular food in the north. Steamed bread and small meat dumplings are people's favorite food. At this time, a large amount of food was used to symbolize the wealth and wealth of the family.




Welcome to my hometown. My hometown is a small village in Shandong Province. It is located in the north of China.

What I like most is that it has abundant rain in spring. It is not hot to water all animals and plants. There are many factories and some s factories in my hometown.

Besides some clothing factories are also famous. You can find many beautiful clothes there. I love my hometown.

I love its people more. They are working hard to make it richer and more beautiful.





My parents and I live in the city. I like to live in the city, but my favorite place is the river in my hometown. Sometimes my parents will take me to visit my grandparents in my hometown.

Then I find that my favorite river is on the bank. In summer, the sky is very fresh. I can put my feet in the water and enjoy its cool feeling.

In winter, the river freezes, and the white ice makes it appear It's very prominent.


