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关于”出口产品的商务报告“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Business report of export products。以下是关于出口产品的商务报告的四级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

关于”出口产品的商务报告“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Business report of export products。以下是关于出口产品的商务报告的四级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Business report of export products

Most of the unskilled jobs in developed countries must be in personal services. Chinese workers can emble your iPhone, but they can't provide you with lunch, collect your garbage or bathe your grandmother. Anyone who thinks these are not real jobs don't understand the labor they are involved in.

Here's a subtle gender issue: Most jobs in history were done by women Home commitment - such as nursing and cooking - is hard to see as a real job where does the iPhone export come from? They ask about export products designed in California or customized in Saville street, and ask Apple or your tailors how they make a profit.


发达国家的大多数非技术性工作必然是在个人服务业,中国的工人可以组装你的iPhone,但不能为你提供午餐,收集你的垃圾或给你的祖母洗澡任何认为这些不是真正工作的人都不了解他们所涉及的劳动这里有一个微妙的性别问题:在历史上大部分工作都是由女性在家承担的——比如护理和烹饪——很难被视为真正的工作 iPhone 出口从何而来,他们会问在加州设计或在萨维尔街定制的出口产品,问问苹果或你的裁缝,他们是如何获得收益的。


Dear grandparents, first of all, I would like to say thank you for the gifts you gave me. I like these CDs very much. Second, I want to talk about my study and my life.

I have been doing well in my study, especially English. English is so interesting. I like it very much.

I also won the first prize in the English competition. I enjoy my life in school because I have become me A member of our school basketball team. We practice playing basketball every Sunday, so I am healthy and strong.

Please take good care of your clothes. In recent years, China's products have repeatedly rebelled in the international market and dumped their suits. The anti-dumping of Chinese products has indeed become an "obstacle" for China's export.

Moreover, with the expansion of China's export scale, anti-dumping has achieved a kind of trade protection measures, which has seriously hindered China's foreign trade and made Chinese enterprises suffer heavy losses. In the long run, it has become China's "barrier" The major obstacles to the development of international trade, the negative impact of overseas anti-dumping economy and Trade Development on China can not be ignored. The anti-dumping of China's export products has been investigated by many countries and regions, involving many products, ranking the first in the world, becoming the biggest victim of international anti-dumping.

Understand the nature of anti-dumping.




The company is a brand toothpaste manufacturing company, which produces oral hygiene related products. The company was founded by British businessman William CP. later, he named the company under his own name.

The company's products range from toothbrushes to mouthwashes. The company is now registered in New York and has its own name Since its inception, it has been exporting products all over the world. It is one of the largest toothpaste companies in the world.

For decades, it has been a major compe of another company, Darlie (formerly known as Darkie). The current CEO of the company is also a British born businessman. Ian m cook graduated from London Metropolitan University in the same year, with more than employees and an annual income of US $100 million (in US dollars).

In the future, the company has great potential to expand its market in developing countries such as China and Africa.


高露洁是一家品牌牙膏制造公司,生产与口腔卫生有关的产品,该公司由英国商人·高露洁创建,后来,他以自己的名字给公司起名叫高露洁牙膏公司(也就是众所周知的高露洁棕榄公司的注册名称)的产品范围从牙刷到漱口液这家公司目前在纽约注册,自成立之日起一直在全球出口产品,是全球最大的牙膏公司之一几xx年来,它一直是另一家公司“darlie(以前称为)”的主要竞争对手。高露洁现任首席执行官也是一位英国出生的商人,ian m cook在高露洁当年毕业于伦敦大都会大学,拥有超过名员工,年收入达亿美元(以美元计)公司未来在中国和非洲等发展中国家拓展市场的潜力巨大。
