
天涯百科 范文 11 0

关于”疫情期间与家人的事“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Family affairs during the epidemic。以下是关于疫情期间与家人的事的高二英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

关于”疫情期间与家人的事“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Family affairs during the epidemic。以下是关于疫情期间与家人的事的高二英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Family affairs during the epidemic

I solemnly swear before God and before the embly that I will live my life pure and keep my profession. I will abstain from any harmful and harmful things. I will not take or knowingly take any harmful drugs.

I will try my best to maintain and improve my professional level. I will be responsible for all personal affairs and in the process of my loyal phone calls All family matters learned are confidential. I will work hard to help the doctors and work for the welfare of those who are committed to my care - the Florence Nightingale Pledge.




Dear Mike, how are you? I'm glad to receive your gift. When I found out that it was an English dictionary, I was really happy. You know I like learning English.

A dictionary is just what I need. It can help improve my English, so I feel very lucky to have friends like you. If you don't mind, I hope you can have a family dinner with us.

You can also stay in my home during the trip to China. We will treat you as our family, and you will not regret it. I can't wait to see you Li Hua next month^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.





Florence Nightingale vowed before God, in front of this embly, that I would live my life purely and faithfully in my profession. I will abstain from any harmful and harmful things. I will not take any harmful drugs unconsciously.

I will try my best to maintain and improve my standards. My career and all personal and family affairs I know will be kept confidential. In the process of my loyal phone calls, I will try to help the doctor's work and devote myself to the welfare of those who devote themselves to my care benefit.


