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关于”中西方的审美差异“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Aesthetic differences between China and the West。以下是关于中西方的审美差异的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

关于”中西方的审美差异“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Aesthetic differences between China and the West。以下是关于中西方的审美差异的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Aesthetic differences between China and the West

Eating habits and habits Americans eat with a fork. It seems that holding a knife in their right hand for more than a few seconds is considered to be detrimental to good table manners. The system is that if it is absolutely necessary to use a knife, people hold a fork in their left hand, cut a piece of meat or other things in the normal way, and then they put down the knife, put the fork on the right hand, and then Put food in your mouth.

It's obviously ridiculous, but it's considered a good courtesy. There are several results of this system. If it is not absolutely necessary to use a knife, Americans don't use forks because it obviously complicates things, so you can see that they try to cut potatoes, fish, even bacon with a fork.

At the end of the course, because there is only one tool in use, the food has to be chased around the plate with a fork, the last bite The thumb is also used to put food in the right place. Although the third one should not be made, the table is usually placed with a knife and two forks, and the outside fork is used for salad. Foreign tourists don't need to follow the American system and try to eat salad with a fork, but if you do use your knife, remember to leave it for meat.

Of course, if possible, even desserts (except ice cream) are eaten with forks. The sn you see next to the dessert is used for coffee (but if you use it for dessert, no one will say anything.





(capitalist communism) 6 society, capitalism was founded by Adam Smith, who talked about individualism, capitalism, which is now the economic system of the United States. Communism was created by Marx. He talked about sharing, the group used by the former Soviet Union (Soviet Union) and the people's Republic of China (China).

These two theories are basically in conflict.<: these two theories show that i always type wrong="3" o well hope you like the answer.>




It's delicious, it's charming, it's great, it's great, honey, I'm so sorry, he's eager to do it, how interesting, I'm so sorry, it, it, honey, we: let's go for a walk, can you do that? I want to go out for a walk. He's very honest. He's a very honest fisherman, and I think, I think, I'm afraid of hesitant stuffing.

Well, you know, let me think I have to be afraid of it's time. I'm going to Goodwin and you can, can, maybe, let you open the door for me (open the door: I enter the room, I find George there, but he's talking to Mary: When I walked into the room, George and Mary solidarity support information personalimediate impersonal ist cwest dzimmmermann: I'm listening to you. Please go ahead.

I agree with you. I'm still abiding by your agreement.


太美味了,太迷人了,太棒了,太好了,亲爱的,我非常抱歉,他急切地想做这件事,有多有趣,我非常抱歉,该死的,该死的,亲爱的我们:我们去散散步吧,你能这样做吗?我想出去走走他很诚实,他是一个非常诚实的渔夫,我想,我想,我害怕犹豫的填充物,好吧,你知道,让我想我必须去害怕它的时间我要去古德温,可以,可以,也许,也许可以让你为我打开门(打开门:我进入房间,我发现乔治在那里,但他正在和玛丽说话:当我走进房间,乔治是与Mary solidaritysupportinformationpersonalimmediateimpersonaldistantCWestDZimmermanmm,是的,是的,wellFishman):我在听你说,请继续我同意你的意见,我目前还遵守你的协议。
