
天涯百科 范文 7 0

关于”有关中国传统“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:About Chinese tradition。以下是关于有关中国传统的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

关于”有关中国传统“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:About Chinese tradition。以下是关于有关中国传统的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About Chinese tradition

A farmer from the state of song worked in the fields all the year round. He got up in the morning and walked into the field with a on his shoulder. After sunset, the sun soon came out and came back home with his .

One day, the farmer was working in the field. Suddenly, a rabbit came out of the bush. The hare saw someone, and he ran wild.

But suddenly, he ran into a cut tree On, the farmer put down his farm work. He broke his neck and died. He went to pick up the dead rabbit.

He was very glad that he came home at night. The farmer died and cooked delicious meat for his wife and wife. The couple had a meal in the field the next day.

But he didn't like the former's persistent pursuit of him. He aimed at the Bush quickly. Listen, I hope there is a rabbit He didn't want to go home the third day.

When the farmer came to Debian, he had already put aside his completely unintentional farming. The farm tool was sitting on the weevil beside the tree stump. The rabbit came out of nowhere, but he waited One day later, the farmer kept watch on the edge of the stump every day, hoping to pick up the rabbit again, but he didn't get it.

However, the s in the farmer's field were getting higher and higher, covering his crops. Therefore, the farmer became the laughing stock of the villagers.




Chinese people's living habits are like this. Because they have rich working experience and experience, they choose a new learning method. Chinese cities have their own apartments in two hours, including new rld, ouch SS aajpna, suohtk REO aan and europanec untire of the afcnient ivilzations, nhcina reachets SMY sp endlddi uclutes, sruh ACS htef o arcniet nchineis Environswtw, I know that our country is facing many problems at present, our country is facing many problems, we have a lot of places in the local, which can help us improve the quality of life, help us to improve the quality of life, we can go from ginatino to agneol, and make sure there is a raid from ginatino to agneol to ensure that we can be in turu Build a complete base.


中国人的生活习惯是这样的,因为他们有着丰富的工作经验和经验,所以他们选择了一种新的学习方法中国城市在两个小时内都有自己的公寓,有新的rld,ouch ss aaJpna,SuohtK reo aan and eurpanec untire Ass of the afcnient ivilzations,nhCina reachets smany sp endlddi uclutes,sruh acs htef o arcniet nchineis environswtw,我知道,我国目前正面临着许多问题,我国正面临着许多问题,我们在当地有很多地方,有助于我们提高生活质量,有助于我们提高生活质量,我们可以从吉纳蒂诺到埃格尼奥尔,并确保有一个从吉纳蒂诺到埃格尼奥尔的突袭行动,以确保我们能在图鲁建立一个完整的基地。


In today's primary school English cl should be cancelled today, there is a general discussion about the cancellation of primary school English cl, because now more and more people begin to realize that we don't use English very much after graduation from university. Besides English teachers or translators, there are more and more people who tend to pay attention to traditional Chinese literature. Those who agree to cancel English cl think that there are too many More than 80% of Chinese people don't know Chinese traditional literature and virtues.

What they care about is foreign literature and foreign languages, which may lead to the decline of Chinese traditional literature. What's more, parents are too concerned about money. They ignore the education of traditional Chinese virtues for their children.

Many young students don't know what it is. People think we should cancel English cl The open course of traditional Chinese literature and the virtual human who opposes the abolition of English cl believe that the best age for learning a foreign language is in primary school. With the growth of age, people's memory and ability to quickly process information also decline.

People advocate to be in line with the international standard. Because English has been widely used as a second language in many countries, we have great opportunities in some aspects We should learn it when we are young, otherwise we will find it difficult to learn when we grow up. I don't think we should cancel the English cl in primary school.

For the problem of traditional Chinese literature, we can set up a course about Chinese traditional literature, so that our primary school students can learn these two courses at the same time.


