
天涯百科 范文 6 0

关于”对未来有想象力“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Imagination for the future。以下是关于对未来有想象力的初三英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

关于”对未来有想象力“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Imagination for the future。以下是关于对未来有想象力的初三英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Imagination for the future

Now I'm in the third year of junior high school. I've changed a lot. I know that if I don't work hard, I won't enter a good high school.

So I study hard. I often stay up late to review lessons and prepare new courses. In addition, I don't like to do sports, but now I often run in the morning and play basketball after school.

Now I am stronger and healthier. More importantly, I don't like to do housework, but now I often help my parents do housework, because I think it's our responsibility to help my parents with family rules, just like the school rules, I also have family rules at home, everyone has to do housework My parents don't allow me to stay up late because they think it's bad for my health. I have to get up early, although I don't like it.

My parents don't allow me to play too much computer.




Future life in the future life, what will our life be like? We think there will be great changes at that time in the future. People will work at home, because robots will do most of the work, instead of people's high-rise buildings everywhere. On the other hand, people take their own cars to go anywhere, where there are so many cars that often cause traffic problems.

Even at that time, many people drive long-distance travel Come and enjoy their lives, visit their friends or relatives, and more and more people begin to invest and learn in their health. Now there is a trend that people are willing to choose the regular healthy diet with higher quality and cheaper price. In addition to children, more adults study online.

In the near future, people will live a comfortable life. We can also live a better life through our own life. I think there will be high-rise buildings in the future.

Most families will live in large apartments. Most families will have cars. We will drive to work.

We can travel around the world by car We will eat a balanced diet. We will not eat meat or junk food. We will eat more fruits and vegetables.

Every family will have computer students. They don't have to go to school. They can learn by computer at home.

In short, our life will be much better in the future, don't you think.





Tiananmen Square is located in the center of Beijing. Tiananmen Square is the largest square in the world. It covers an area of hectare and can accommodate 1 million people in the north and south.

The monument to the people's Heroes stands in the East and west of the center. The museum is on the East. In the West of the Chinese revolution and Chinese history, the Great Hall of the people, the front door and Chairman Mao Memorial Hall are located in the south Tower is one of the most famous and popular places in China.

Thousands of people visit Beijing every year.


